[ PHP | JavaScript ]
Code Name: Image Randomizer Added: 30/09/06
By: Ross
This code will display a random image from the folder in which the code is placed in. To use, save the following code as "index.php" and link to it using standard html image tags: <img src="http://yourhost.com/path_to_folder" />
$image_folder = ".";
$imgArr = array();
$n = 0;

   if($handle = opendir($image_folder)) {
      while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
         if(!preg_match('/thumbs/', $file) && preg_match('/.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png|bmp)$/', $file)) {
            $imgArr[$n++] = $file;

    $t = sizeof($imgArr)-1;
    $random = mt_rand("0", $t);
    $image_name = $imgArr[$random];


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